AGL Australia The design and modelling of a 150MW fast power emergency power plant was delivered to AGL, in Victoria, Australia. The complete evaluation of suitable generation equipment and selection of plant ready for deployment using natural gas or liquid fuel. The concept allowed for the rapid relocation of gas turbine generators under all conditions …
120 MW Accra Tema Power Plant Specialist O&M Advisory services for a 120 MW simple cycle Frame 9E power plant. This involved the development of O&M strategies and training of operations staff to maximize reliability and availability of the power station. Services O&M
Strategic Fuel Fund Association Owner’s engineer scope for the integration of a new oil storage and blending facility near the port of Saldanha, South Africa. PID conducted a pre-feasibility study for the development of a strategic LPG storage facility, including cargo receiving facility. Services LPG pre-feasibility study
1,700 MW Petroleum Development O&M of PDO power stations since 2000 (total installed capacity in excess of 1,700 MW). The scope includes all preventative and corrective maintenance of the power generation equipment as well as all scheduled maintenance. Services O&M
Oman Cement O&M of the Oman Cement captive power plant since 2014. Scope includes all preventative, corrective and scheduled maintenance of the power generation equipment as well as the back-up operations of the interface with the Oman transmission network. Services O&M
935 MW Ughelli Power Plant O&M of Ughelli power station since 2013 (total installed capacity 935 MW). Scope includes all preventative and corrective maintenance of the power generation equipment as well as unit recovery and scheduled maintenance. Services O&M
70 MW Solar CSP Feasibility study and basic engineering for a concentrated solar plant (CSP) in Spain, including the identification of a suitable location considering environmental and resource constraints, engaging various OEMs for technical data and cost estimates. Services Solar feasibility study
LNG / LPG Feasibility Studies Through our associated company, 88KPRIME, we have performed various feasibility studies, technical assessments, financial modelling, and site selection reports to help clients bring their projects to financial close, across the LNG virtual pipeline solutions in Africa. Visit Site Services LNG / LPG feasibility study
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